Review: Enron Unfolds And Folds Again - At The Playhouse It All Comes Vividly Alive
By Gordon Spencer, The Reader The seeds of the story were planted here in Omaha, but the roots of the Enron scandal really took hold deep...

Review: Enron, An Omaha Playhouse Production
By Ed Morse After a hiatus from posting, I'm back with a theater review. On Friday evening I attended the Omaha Community Playhouse...

Review: Compelling Drama, Quirky Presentation Are The Hallmarks of Playhouse’s Enron
Creative Contemplation “It’s all about the money.”–Jeffrey Skilling. This line aptly describes the Omaha Playhouse’s season premiere...

Review: In Playhouse's 'Enron,' weighty topic, hefty dose of satire, sip of surreal
By Bob Fischbach / Omaha World-Herald staff writer It’s a corporate-morality play, with a dash of musical theater, a pinch of the...